Lunar Operative
Lunar Operative is a janky top down shooter.
You got trapped in the ruins. How did you end up there? No idea.
But hey, at least you have a kickass laser gun. Why do you have it? Also no idea.
Also, everything is trying to kill you. Why? No idea. And they have kickass laser guns too.
You have two goals:
- Escape
- Kill everything that moves
Good luck.
- WASD to move
- Left Click to shoot
- F to toggle night vision
- E to interact (pickup items and use crafting benches)
- 1-5 to use potions
- Esc to pause
- Backspace to exit menus
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I like this game. I particularly like the night vision mechanic; your implementation of a flashlight is a lot smoother than my own. It’s also very well put together overall.
The one bit of feedback I would give is that it’s harder to avoid spikes than it needs to be, because the player’s position is floating but the spikes are locked to the tile map. It might be less frustrating if the player’s position was locked to tiles, so that a 1 pixel collision with a spike doesn’t happen.
Cool concepts! I think the mechanics have potential but could use a few more iterations before they're there. They feel a bit too punishing at the moment A lot of that just comes down to tweaking some values, like smoothing out the player movement, adjusting some hitboxes and slowing down the enemies' projectiles a little. It's difficult to react quickly to enemy bullets when you can't see where you're going!
The night vision mechanic could be fun but feels a bit frustrating to use right now. Often times I found myself barely seeing anything even with night vision on and having my movement and shooting blocked by it to the point where it felt better to just leave it off. As a core mechanic it should probably feel a bit more rewarding to use. You could maybe do that by reducing the duration and treating it like a toggleable power up instead.
Other than that, the presentation and the upgrade system are good. I thought the tutorial was especially well executed. Good job!
First thing first : Banger music and sfx !
I liked the way you introduce the game, really well made. Personally intrigued in the secret page lore telling style (written really small) LUL.
Maybe the enemy accuracy is a little too high, for the rest it seems preatty good to me ! GG
What a fun concept. I really liked the crafting and upgrade system.
I kinda got fed up with the nightvision stuff though it was a bit of a chore having to choose between seeing and firing my gun blindly into the darkness. I made it to about level 3 before I had to give up.
There were some really fun mechanics with the areas being only accessible depending on if you light was on or off but having to turn it off for combat really kinda soured it for me.
I really loved the retro music and SFX kinda reminded me of old school arcade games back in the day.
This game's real solid for something made sans-engine.
+ Neat core concept that's easy to pick up
+ Well-paced, with good level design
+ Demands some pretty careful gameplay to proceed
- Having flashlight on RMB wouldve been nicer. Same with picking up items on contact, rather than with E.
- I made it to level 3 or 4, and didn't encounter much reason to use the night vision beyond avoiding spikes.
- Some of the hitboxes (spikes, mainly) are a bit generous. They can be hard to avoid, even intentionally.
- Health packs or healing potions would be a godsend. ...Maybe I'm just bad.
Thanks for the feedback! Regarding your point about it being not in an engine, it’s made in Godot so idk where you’re getting that from, thanks anyway though =)
I'd gotten a couple games mixed up while typing; don't mind me
Really cool game! Liked the night vision effect and the design
That was fun! I thought I soft-locked myself by making a potion in the tutorial before reading the instruction to make a spike shield potion, but I just tanked the damage and crossed the spikes. Using the flashlight to stun a shooter enemy and knowing that the second you turn off the flashlight they're gonna shoot you is very tense.
Night vision effect was fun! I did find it difficult in some of the narrow hallways to adequately see the tutorial text, though. Overall, fun experience!
Here's the epic redline review for you
- no fullscreen button 😭
- shooting enemies should have a small delay before shooting you when they spot you, kinda like "reaction time"
- I love the potion crafter, it's really well done and how other games with the same mechanic should do it too
- Enemy hitbox remains there for a bit more after dying, sometimes ate my shots
- I'm glad you added those polishing bits I told you on discord. It definitely made the game feel a lot better, however you can still go further. One thing would be camera movement based on your mouse cursor location (very common in these sorts of games).
- Game mechanics were really easy to understand
- I wasn't upset at dying because of the upgrade mechanics. It was a great design choice, that makes getting back to where you died faster.
- I feel like most potions should last longer
- I would have liked to see a heal potion, but I guess that would change the game a lot, so there are reasons to not add it as well.
- You can shoot through wall corners, which allowed one cheese in total.
- I found myself not using the flashlight that often, mostly because it stopped me from shooting. It might be nicer if you could shoot while using the flashlight, but only playtesting can decide that.
- I liked the variety of levels
- Enemy idea: some guy who shoots 5 bullets really fast, then needs to reload for a bit.
- I definitely would have played more, but I have other stuff to do xd.
All in all, a really solid game, very addicting. Needs some work in art and music, but you probably know that too.
Here's a less epic Galactum reply for you
"no fullscreen button 😭"
this is strategic, the game breaks in full screen
"shooting enemies should have a small delay before shooting you when they spot you, kinda like "reaction time""
there is one, but it's randomised, so might be too small to notice at times
"I love the potion crafter, it's really well done and how other games with the same mechanic should do it too"
"Enemy hitbox remains there for a bit more after dying, sometimes ate my shots"
enemy hitbox was still hungry (read: this is a bug, thank you for pointing it out)
"I'm glad you added those polishing bits I told you on discord. It definitely made the game feel a lot better"
i feel like you should be considered a team member for that tbh cause it brought the game from a 2/10 to a 6/10
"One thing would be camera movement based on your mouse cursor location (very common in these sorts of games)."
good idea, wish i'd thought of that
"Game mechanics were really easy to understand"
game mechanics were really easy to understand because I am not competent enough to create complicated mechanics. still, I will take it, thanks :D
"I wasn't upset at dying because of the upgrade mechanics. It was a great design choice, that makes getting back to where you died faster."
exactly as intended, glad to hear it
"I feel like most potions should last longer"
use more eternal essence or upgrade their duration
"I would have liked to see a heal potion, but I guess that would change the game a lot, so there are reasons to not add it as well."
the omelette of darkness heals 1 hp/s, but I wanted people to discover that themselves
"You can shoot through wall corners, which allowed one cheese in total."
this game is not suitable for the lactose-intolerant (read: this is intentional, you can actually cheese pretty much every enemy if you get the right angle and timing)
"I found myself not using the flashlight that often, mostly because it stopped me from shooting. It might be nicer if you could shoot while using the flashlight, but only playtesting can decide that."
the night vision potion lets you shoot and pass through walls while still being able to see in the dark
"I liked the variety of levels"
I hated designing the variety of levels, glad you like them though!
"Enemy idea: some guy who shoots 5 bullets really fast, then needs to reload for a bit."
I love this
"I definitely would have played more, but I have other stuff to do xd."
who needs other stuff when you have kickass laser gun?
"All in all, a really solid game, very addicting."
"Needs some work in art and music, but you probably know that too."
from my game design document:
"The art is severely limited by my lack of artistic capabilities."
also applies for the music
will work on changing that though, thanks for the feedback
On a real note though, thank you so so much for this review, really incredible feedback on pretty much every aspect. It's going to be the very first thing I turn to if I continue working on this game. I'm really happy to hear you enjoyed it. You're awesome! :D
Well done! It's difficult but a lot of fun, I just wish I could cook more potions all the time. I like the sound effects. and the music, the flashlight mechanic is great. Well done.
Difficult but very fun :D.
Creative premise, it's a bit difficult but fun. Great job :)
woo this is cool! The torch is a great idea and there are so many different drops! really nice (I died at the first spikes, I'll try again now :D), ngl I would've prefer the flashlight on the right click instead of F.
edit: wtf is a frog batt... oh... what??... damn....